Inventor hsm 2016
Inventor hsm 2016

inventor hsm 2016

Fixed YZ axis inversion when secondary spindle is active for Doosan mill-turn post.Fixed potential failure when using for HAAS Next Generation M130 post.Added forced multi-axis reset for Heidenhain posts when switching between indexed and simultaneous machining.Fixed work offset for angular probing for HAAS UMC-750 post.Fixed color for etching for Universal Laser post.Fixed tool definition issue for CAMplete APT post.Fixed canned cycle XYZ output for DATRON next post.Added property to reverse the direction of G2/G3 for ProtoTRAK turning.Added property to control tapping mode for FAGOR post.Added property to set 4th axis if available for Mach3Mill post.Added posts for CAMaster with WinCNC control.

inventor hsm 2016

  • Added support for setting machine type for Intelitek post.
  • Updated multi-axis support to handle rewinds better for Pocket NC post.
  • Fixed SafeZHeightForWorkpiece for DATRON next post.
  • Add missing G90 for HAAS posts after machine retract.
  • Add missing G90 for 5AXISMAKER post after machine retract.
  • Add missing G90 after machine retract for DMS Router posts.
  • Add missing G90 after machine retract for CR Onsrud 5-axis Router post.
  • Fixed missing output of rotaries issue for posts with subprograms.
  • Fixed issue with memory usage when machining tiny pockets for Adaptive Clearing.
  • Fixed wrong toolpath for circular nested pockets for 2D Pocket.
  • Fixed wrong toolpath for Swarf when using surface driven mode.
  • The following changes have been made in the current update (2018.2.2) Changes in toolpath generation:
  • Inventor HSM Ultimate (formerly Inventor HSM Pro).
  • Inventor HSM Premium (formerly Inventor HSM).
  • This document covers all three Inventor HSM products:

    Inventor hsm 2016